§ 90-268. Charges; discount.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    In order to protect the health, welfare, morals and good order of the citizens of the city and to defray the cost and expense of providing sanitary and health services within the city, a monthly sanitary and health charge is hereby fixed and assessed against the occupant of every improved premises within the city for which the occupant shall be liable for payment. Such charges shall be as set by the mayor and city council. Any new account must be through application to, and approval by, the sanitation committee.


    If such charges are paid prior to the tenth of the month following billing, a discount of ten percent will be allowed.


    For the purposes of this section, the term "residential premises" means single-family unit. Each additional family unit housed on a premises is to be billed separately for the fee set forth in subsection (a) of this section.

(Code 1982, § 13-77)