§ 90-143. Inner management zones.
The area within 250 feet of the center of any municipal water well is designated as an inner management zone and is restricted against potential pollution sources identified in the Rules for Safe Drinking Water, published and adopted by the environmental protection division of the state department of natural resources, including underground storage tanks; nondomestic septic tanks and drainfields; animal feedlots, poultry enclosures or animal enclosures, except those for family pets; any environmental facility causing releases which will be a threat to public health and safety; municipal solid waste landfills, industrial waste landfills or construction demolition waste landfills; land disposal of hazardous wastes; agricultural waste impoundments not having an impermeable synthetic liner; land application of wastewater or sludge; underground injection wells; quarries, underground mines or underground storage tanks.
(Amd. of 12-16-1999)