§ 90-265. Large quantity refuse producers.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    At the discretion of the public works department, detachable metal refuse containers may be placed in locations convenient to the establishments producing large quantities of refuse. In such cases, users may be required to share the use of such containers with other users nearby. It will be the responsibility of each user of the detachable containers to place all materials for disposal inside such containers, with bulky material flattened and broken down so that it will occupy the least possible volume. Each user shall close the doors of such containers after placing material inside and keep the area adjacent to the containers clean and free from litter. All paper cartons or boxes deposited alongside such containers shall be torn down and flattened.


    The director of public works is hereby granted full authority to designate the number and location of the containers.


    No vehicle shall be parked in such a manner that detachable containers are blocked from access by the collection truck during the hours designated for collection.

(Code 1982, § 13-73)